
Mudenahalli Ashram

Location: India
Year: 2017

“The garden of God” is an ode to the nature of India. It is dedicated to its startling beauty and mesmerizing colors. We want the garden to be majestic and luscious. We want it to celebrate being in nature as both a healing and a transcendental experience.

“The garden of God” draws inspiration from the Indian tradition where life takes place in gardens, in a natural environment curated in a sophisticated manner. This is the place where intellectual exchange occurs, communities grow, love happens and gods make their presence evident.

“The garden of God” resembles how thin streams unite in pockets and erode the ground to form caves ending in the sea. Or how brooks unite in rivers and in floods piercing through the land and forming deltas.

In the same way, we created paths of human flow where lanes accomodating movement gradually progress from “streams” to “rivers” to open space, uniting with the existing pond. One can, following the paths and how they grow, experience the garden as
a lone wanderer transforming to a member of the community, by moving from the meadow of flowers towards the pond.

The meadow of flowers is for contemplating, strolling, enjoying the colours and solo meditation. Moving closer to the pond the flowers give their place to trees, bushes and taller vegetation much like the meditation spots are being replaced by satsangs and observatories accomodating groups of people. The pond is the culmination of this gradient of plants and social interaction, where we find spaces for the community.